Wiki Robot telegram bot

Wiki Robot telegram bot

Telegram bot that can post text to chat on scheduled time. You can set up multiple texts and configure specific post times for each text. At any time you can also display text using its ID


Step 1. Add @wikirobot as admin into your chatroom

Step 2. Give bot permission to delete messages.


  • /wiki check – check if the bot is installed correctly.
  • /wiki reload_admins – ask the bot to reload admin IDs for a current chat. Admins list is collected once and cached. Use this command to update cached data.
  • /wiki config – see bot configuration for the current chat
  • /wiki setmsg TEXTID – use this command in reply to the message you want to remember as TEXTID. Here TEXTID could be any alphanumeric token like “rules”, “faq”, “text44”. Example of command: /wiki setmsg faq.
  • /wiki cron TEXTID TIME – configure posting time(s) for TEXTID text. TIME could be one of two formats. First, it could be “h1” (every hour), “h2” (every two hours), “h3”, “h4”, “h6” or “h12” Example: /wiki cron TEXTID h4. Second, it might be list of hour:minutes pairs delimited by comma. Example: /wiki cron TEXTID 12:00,13:05,16:20.
  • /wiki delmsg TEXTID – forget (remove) TEXTID text. Example: /wiki delmsg faq
  • /wiki pin TEXTID MODE – enable/disabling pinning message when posting it. MODE must be “yes” or “no”. Example: /wiki pin faq yes.

All these commands have to be entered in the chatroom where is installed. Do not send these commands in private messages to @wikirobot.

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