NoPigRobot telegram bot

NoPigRobot telegram bot

Telegram Bot to remove obscene words from a chat.


Follow these steps:

  • Add @nopigrobot as admin into your chatroom
  • Give bot permission to delete messages. No other permissions are required


  • /nopig config – see bot configuration for the current chat e.g. list of blocked words
  • /nopig check – check if the bot is installed correctly.
  • /nopig set notify_actions=yes – tell the bot to write an explanation to the chat about deleted messages (recommended).
  • /nopig set notify_actions=no – tell the bot to remove messages silently
  • /nopig reload_admins – ask the bot to reload admin IDs for the current chat. Admins list is collected once and cached. Use this command to update cached data.

All these commands must be written to the chat that you want to configure. Do not send commands to a bot via private messages.

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