TheBoot’s Thoughts about Markets

TheBoot’s Thoughts about Markets Telegram channel

Random thoughts about the (crypto-mostly) markets from TheBoot. More info on Twitter –

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I think $quick is going to go parabolic in the coming days. Quickswap has ATH volume, ATH TVL, fixed today their 3-week old charting problem, got support for auto-compounding on polywhale – the largest farm on Matic. Matic itself has huge momentum. Volume-wise last 24h Quickswap is only behind Uniswap v2,v3, Sushiswap (on Ethereum but not on Matic), PancakeSwap and BurgerSwap while having only a fraction of their market cap. And with all this data it hasn’t even broken its April ATH just yet. Plus there is huge momentum on Matic. There were fears it would die to Sushi on Matic but so far that is not happening. As a top 5 DEX overall and #1 DEX on Matic I believe Quickswap will get listed on Binance in the coming 1-2 months. In fact, not being on major CEXes is why I believe there is this huge mispricing. One issue is a still relatively high level of inflation, abot 900 coins a day (totalling to about $1mil per day).

P.s. not a financial advice – I own a huge bag myself

UPDATE: I got really lucky to write this just before we started a bear market haha. If it’s not obvious under bear market we are not going to the moon as easily as I expected


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