AutoBit Robot

AutoBit Robot telegram bot ⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money. You may start this bot by clicking the “Start” button (link opens in Telegram Messenger) on the left. Start

NoPigRobot telegram bot

NoPigRobot telegram bot Telegram Bot to remove obscene words from a chat. Installation Follow these steps: Add @nopigrobot as admin into your chatroom Give bot permission to delete messages. No other permissions are required Commands /nopig config – see bot configuration for the current chat e.g. list of blocked words /nopig check – check if the bot iscontinue reading

No Hello Robot telegram bot

No Hello Robot telegram bot Telegram Bot to remove hello messages from your chat. The bot knows multiple languages. If you want to teach bot new versions of hello message (in any language) write to @tgdev_en chat. Installation Follow these steps: Add @nohello_robot as admin into your chatroom Give bot permission to delete messages. No other permissions are requiredcontinue reading

Freq Robot telegram bot

Freq Robot telegram bot Telegram Bot to limit the number of messages users can write to chat Installation Follow these steps: Add @FreqRobot as admin into your chatroom Give bot permission to delete messages. No other permissions are required Configure how many messages users can write, see the below commands details. Commands /freq set limit_day=N – set acontinue reading

OrgRobot telegram bot

OrgRobot telegram bot Telegram Bot that allows new members to write to chat only when they answer few questions which can be configured by chat admin. Installation Step 1. Add @orgrobot as admin into your chatroom Step 2. Give bot permission to delete messages and to ban users. No other permissions are required Step 3. From this point @orgrobot already startedcontinue reading

No Sticker Bot

No Sticker Bot telegram bot Telegram Bot to disable all stickers in the chatroom Installation Follow these steps: Add @nosticker_bot as admin into your chatroom Give bot permission to delete messages. No other permissions are required For support chat

WatchDog Robot

WatchDog Robot telegram bot Telegram Bot to remove messages of blacklisted types: sticker, file attachment, photo, video, and others. Also, it can ban other bots. Installation Follow these steps: Add @watchdog_robot as admin into your chatroom Give bot permission to delete messages and to ban users. No other permissions are required Configure content to be removed withcontinue reading