OctopusFinance Official

OctopusFinance Official telegram channel

Octopus Finance = MEME Coin + DEFI + Blockchain Game
Each transaction triggers a 7% fee
4% distributed to the holder
3% to BURN of each transaction

The project launched on 29 May 2021.

✉️ Support and Help. or have some good ideas to suggest
→ Seek help from volunteers in the group
→ Send a message to us in the contact section on our Website

▼ TG Channel Guidelines & Rules:
♦️ Maintain the quality of the channel’s content and forbid any content that is not related to Octopus Finance or spreading advertisements.
♦️ Keep the channel civilized and harmonious, no discriminatory or offensive words are allowed
♦️ Beware of scamming by fraudsters and forbid malicious impersonation of official information
?♂ Any FUD or content and individuals that hurt family unity and friendship will be banned immediately after warnings are not working

Subscribers:-182 members,

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