Gays Community telegram channel This is an international channel to meet gay people to share experiences with. If you are LGBT friendly and you want to make friends and flirt, don’t miss it! Subscribers: 800 members Join channel
LGBT Telegram groups and channels Archives
List with active links of LGBT Telegram groups and channels.
Gays Community
Gay Support Group
Gay Support Group telegram channel The International Social Hub for everything LGBTQIA+ related. We are a safe place and space for you to discuss your LGBTQIA+ lives. Join our cozy family and kindly don’t post or ask anything sexual in the group. Follow the rules. You are very welcome? Subscribers:7825 members Join channel
LGTB Girls
LGTB Girls telegram channel This telegram channel was created to give support to other LGTB girls who want to share their thoughts and make friends! This is a nice community! Subscribers: 389 members Join channel