ALPHAS, BETAS AND OMEGAS Telegram Channel This group was not formed during the quarantine period but it has grown with mighty intensity over the quarantine period. As the Country entered curfew and other quarantine measures, this group has seen thousands of people join in pursuit of pleasure, x-rated entertainment, and betting tips. This group hascontinue reading

Toboa by Xtian Dela Telegram channel

Toboa by Xtian Dela Telegram channel This channel basically sees Kenyans expose some hard truths, private matters, deep confessions and also get to read the confessions and leaked conversations of others. It’s gossip on steroids as blogger Xtian Dela encourages people to dish out dirt on each other and watch the madness unfold. Pray tocontinue reading

Seniors Membership (+254 Raha Zetu) Telegram channel

 Seniors Membership (+254 Raha Zetu) Telegram channel The title speaks for itself. It’s a unique membership for all that meet the age, and you’re going to discover loads of downloadable data. This Telegram channel is a good contender for the most effective content material for the grownup viewers owing to the large variety of subscriberscontinue reading

Raha Girls Telegram channel

Raha Girls Telegram channel. This is, without doubt, one of the coolest Telegram platforms to hitch totally free grownup content material. You’ll discover that Raha girls are greater than an easy channel. You probably have joined others that can’t get what you might be searching for, you then most likely will discover this channel satisfying.continue reading


THIKA SUPERHIGHWAY LEAKS  Porn Telegram Channel While this is a relatively new porn Telegram channel in Kenya, Thika Superhighway Leaks sex Telegram channel has become increasingly popular after Bridget Achieng’s nude video leaked online. The channel is supposedly the 1st channel to post it online. Here is the link: THIKA SUPERHIGHWAY LEAKS  XXX Telegram Channel.

Viral Leak, Best Ghana Telegram Porn Channel

Viral Leak, Best Ghana Telegram Porn Channel Viral leak boasts as the best Ghana Telegram porn channel. With over 90,000 members, the channel has grown tremendously in the last couple of months. With as many as 1,000 people joining every single day at its peak. The Ghanaian 18+ Telegram channel posts, as the name suggests,continue reading

Seniors Club Telegram Sex Channel

Seniors Club Telegram Sex Channel. Seniors club Telegram sex channel has been around for a number of years. These guys are quite serious. They have over 150 videos over at their XVIDEOS channel and they update their Tg sex channel every day with good quality sex videos. They have over 70,000 members, making it onecontinue reading

Kilimani Mums & Dads Exposed Telegram Link

Kilimani Mums & Dads Exposed Telegram Link. This one is among the most sought-after telegram channels in Kenya. They address adult stories ranging from sex styles to doctors’ advice on sex life, exposes, and various other mature discussions. If you wish to check it out then here is the link: Kilimani Mums & Dads Exposed